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(ELCAN)埃尔坎工业公司 品牌名称: ELCAN振动筛
公司名称: (ELCAN)埃尔坎工业公司
诞生地: 美国
公司网址: http://www.virto-elcan.com



这一突破性的技术最初是由以色列R&D所研制成功的。由于销售持续增长,被意大利的Kroosh,欧洲生产商Cuccolini购买所有权。在08年允许Kroosh利用Cuccolini的生产能力,以配合增加的市场需求。 新公司更名为Virto集团。2010年埃尔坎工业公司和Virto集团签订合作协议,以提供设备至北美市场。目前为Virto/Elcan品牌从事振动筛分机械的销售和服务。
Virto /Elcan 振动筛成功应用在多个行业,并继续在筛选技术中脱颖而出。通过ScreenX多频筛分机阵列为传统的难筛分物料提供高可靠性的筛分解决方案。

Toll Free: 800-AT-ELCAN
Tel: 914-381-7500
Email: sales@virto-elcan.com

325 Waverly Avenue,
Mamaroneck, NY 10543



Since 1985, Elcan Industries has worked with customers to find and implement advanced screening solutions. Prior to 1997, the primary technology utilized to improve screening performance over traditional vibratory screening machines was Minox Tumbler Screeners, with its gentle 3 dimensional motion settings and unique anti-blinding devices. Through superior customer service, as well as very profitable returns due to improved screening performance, we developed brand recognition as Minox/Elcan.

In 1997, Elcan started working with Kroosh Technologies to develop a new revolutionary screening machine. The Kroosh adapters provide a high energy multi-frequency action to the un-tensioned screen surface. The Kroosh machines were used in wet or dry separations and were available in round or rectangular configurations.

This groundbreaking technology was originally developed in Ashdod, Israel with all R&D and machine production coming out of this one site. As sales continued to grow, the ownership of Kroosh purchased Cuccolini in Reggio Emilia Italy, Europe\'s largest producer of screening equipment. This 2008 purchase allowed Kroosh to utilize Cuccolini\'s production capabilities to keep up with increased market demand.

The new ownership then decided to rebrand the entire screening group as The Virto Group. In 2010, Elcan Industries and The Virto Group signed a long term contract to provide screening equipment to the North American market. As a result, vibrating screening machines are being sold and serviced under the Virto/Elcan brand.

By 2001, in addition to machine sales, Elcan offered Toll Processing services to its customers to fill an unmet demand in the industry. Customer needs for developing new products, outsourcing low volume products, improving experience/techniques, or the outsourcing of difficult to screen materials initiated Elcan\'s 2005 expansion. With their larger space, including four separate manufacturing bays, Elcan can process both wet and dry materials to its customers\' exact specifications.

Virto/Elcan has served many different markets and continues to excel as the experts in screening technology. We succeed where other traditional screeners fail or have difficulty processing. The value of our separation performance offers customers easy cost justification. Customers can now send any quantity to be screened on an array of ScreenX multi-frequency screening machines.

These vibrating screening machines specialize in difficult to screen products that cannot be screened efficiently on conventional screeners. Examples are sticky products that blind screens, static products that won\'t screen efficiently, very fine powder separations and delicate agglomerates that need to be screened very gently.

陈工:长期经销ELCAN振动筛配件 陈工15260812150 qq2690799849...(2012-10-26)
朱工: (ELCAN)埃尔坎工业公司在中国有销售点吗?求联系方式。...(2013-11-06)
李占科:专业生产销售进口激振器配件,联系电话:15833637660 QQ:1010001815...(2015-08-31)
Midwestern Industries
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